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Adriana Marina

Growing up in the Patagonia

Born in Patagonia Argentina, I grew up surrounded by  nature who was my greatest teacher in life, I learned about collaboration with people and  the  balance with nature.


Throughout my life I learned about natural fibers, their processing and the value that Andean cultural richness and ancestral techniques represent.  There I witnessed how highly valued products were exported  raw  without managing to have  process media  premises that generate added value, I also understood the lack of local development, logistics and operational strategies. 

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During my studies, as a researcher on issues of convergence inequality and growth in my doctoral thesis  I investigated and understood the injustices committed in the value chains and the lack of knowledge and access that it left the base of the platform, producers, artisans, MSMEs   outside of huge market opportunities both locally and globally.


I consider craft work as a source of empowerment for young people, women and a motor of social and economic transformation.


From this point of view, in which animana and the NGO created by us to give answers believe, I did not just want to raise consumer awareness about injustices; about the processes and impact of the fashion industry, but rather  I wanted to collaborate with  execute the change and bring the problem to concrete solutions; So breaking with the current paradigm, I proposed the sustainable ethical fashion model that promotes: transparency in the value chain and an open dialogue of knowledge between final consumers and producers, balance with the environment through which they carry a sustainable circular model and the strengthening of local economies through the empowerment of SMEs and the support of ancestral techniques.


That was how I decided to dedicate my effort, time and tools  for more than a decade, to generate  access to knowledge of communities, MSMEs  to the exchange of information and best practices around the world; allow us to continue empowering our ethical practices. That is what it exposes for me, what it is like to work with artisans from Patagonia, the Andes and the world; Mutual learning is the key, co-creating solutions together is the basis for the systemic change that our global society needs. Our motto at the Ong  HXN is ancestral wisdom  to transform the world.


We must also go to systems in which at the end of the product's life it is returned to the productive circuit and is being reused to manufacture new products, this  will bring the consumer even closer to the brands.


This technology promotes a circular fashion industry and a circular economy.

The important thing is also to understand the concept from the depth, from the need for tools for traceability in value chains that are holistic models that favor local development; and not from the superficiality. We were working with networks of economists in different parts of the world and thus our project was gaining place, relevance and support, together with Ashoka, Fundación C&A  and UN. This gave us a chance today to be once again in UN  bringing together world leaders to carry this vision and be able to dialogue with them, as happened in the event last Tuesday at the United Nations political forum that we were chosen to give  voice to this vision that collaborates with  transformation of the fashion industry towards circular models

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